
Reality Check

I do believe that, in the process of learning art at institutions I became, well, SPOILED. I am use to facilities that are fixed when I am away, and having the time to learn my equipment. Having classes that teach me to anticipate what goes wrong. Oh, what luxuries those were!

The Ink Annex is not that way. I am almost always the only person in here screen printing. The wash-out station is a shower with a hose. Everything leaks. The fridge I bought still freezes our emulsion. It is not easy to get from concept to print - transparencies are made at the FedEx 20 blocks away, the studio itself is two towns away from where I live, and I don't have a car. Insert whining noises here.


My latest progress report was show at Kala for one day, but I was dissatisfied with the results because of all the mistakes I made (that's why no picture yet, sorry). I couldn't afford to continue to dig into my savings to improve my equipment without a job, so I was sort of stuck. BUT THEN I GOT HIRED! And now I can manage to buy a power washer, better screens, machine cut paper, my own chemicals. Ah, the future is bright.

All of you who have been wondering why I went AWOL, that is your answer. I wanted to finish the perks I promised donors before I continued tabling, and I couldn't effectively work on the perks. I was struggling paying bills instead of buying supplies, I had IOUs piling up. Long story short, I was no longer a student with ample art-making time on my hands. But now I can afford to be in the studio all weekend, and make this studio just a little better. It is a glorious feeling.


The Ink Annex and all its facets.

The Ink Annex and all its facets.

The Ink'll Set You Free...

The Ink Annex, the community arts center through which I have been getting my printing all in order has been having a few... mishaps. First it was the sink (my fault), now it is the refrigerator (its fault). All the emulsion has been uncooled for days, and we needed to get a new fridge. But, since I have plenty of funds available thanks to all my fab donors (that means you), I was able to buy one today and get this train back on track! This hopefully will give me enough time to create a print of the current UPL vocabulary to show during the SGCI Studio Roulette when it hits up Kala Art Institute on March 28th: https://www.facebook.com/events/560209470716877/

I'll keep you all in the loop, and invite you over to my blog to add your two cents to the debate over the glyph for "WE:" https://katywarner.squarespace.com/debate-central/2014/1/22/words-of-the-week-we-me-you-yall

-Katy Warner

The Game is On

The following people are the donors to the Universal Pictorial Language (Phase One). Soon i will be linking each name to the donor's preferred website so that they may gain additional recognition for what they do. But for now let us admire them! THANK YOUUUUU!


Aaron Yashinsky

Alan Peterson

Alison Rushing

Ben Jacob

Blaire Knight-Graves

Bob Holman

Brian Camozzi

Catherine Wagner

Chris Fraser

Christina Yglesias

Danielle Peterson

Donald Day

Erin Cooper

Grayson Richardson

Hung Liu & Jeff Kelley

inara Tabir

Jackie Reuling

James Hasbrouck

Jeff Batdorf

Jennifer Breen

Jessica Chappell

Jocelyn Meggait

Kelsey Thorne

Layla Otey

Leigh Burgess

Lia Pellegrini Davies

Libby Maynard

Maija Beeton

Mary-Ann Milford

Maryellen Herringer

Matthew Gottschalk

Megan O'Lanen

Mia Bella D'Augelli

Michael Koehle

Pamela Peterson

Patricia Wallace

Rima Greer

Robin Conway

Scott Oliver

Shannon Southward

Simon Pyle

Stephany Campos

Tamra Seal

The Queendahls

Veva J. Edelson

#37, Takes.&nbsp;Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Shorebird Loop.&nbsp;(Abandonment continues, huzzah!).

#37, Takes. Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge, Shorebird Loop. (Abandonment continues, huzzah!).

This blog hasn't been updated in a while for a bevy of reasons: a residency that took ages to get rolling, a fundraiser that was nuts, a lack of money and no work to be found, carpal tunnel syndrome, holidays, head colds and packing cars full o' art and stuff. Plus i still don't have an "i" key on my computer. Annnnnddd there's a hole in my silkscreen.

When it rains, it pours, right?

Nevertheless, i am back at it! i have several goals for the next month i wish to share with you all, excluding the obvious (looking for work and helping with Redwood Planet Media).

  1. Ensure my Hatchfund donations get to me.
  2. Email $10 and $25 dollar donors about their digi-reward.
  3. Update website with current glyph database and Bulletin Board capabilities. Be prepared for the entire Swadesh list.
  4. Email all donors at $50 or higher level what they need to know for their prints.
  5. Arrange to print at the Eureka Print Alliance.
  6. Buy supplies for the rest of my perks.
  7. Print perks and dictionary thus far.
  8. Arrange with the ink people to have a weekly venue for UPL, and a spot at Arts Alive!
  9. Arrange with Old Town Coffee & Chocolates for UPL debates, bimonthy or monthly.
  10. Create blog rss feed for http://conlang.wikia.com/, send rss link to http://aggregator.conlang.org/
  11. Apply to at least 5 funding opportunities.

Screen Printing; Or Why My Nails Are So Itchy

It's been a while since I updated the update blog. Why? Because the flu season coincided with the start of my residency and has sapped me of all my energy. I now am in the habit of going to bed at 8 PM, it's really sad.

But! I have many great things going on. My print residency at Kala is in full swing. I am selling screen prints of various sizes through my Hatchfund fundraiser, which ends on my birthday December 16th. So you can give me $10 dollars, and in exchange you can get a screen printed postcard. If things go as planned you may even get it in time for Christmas!

UMAMI as four screens, prepared to print.

UMAMI as four screens, prepared to print.

My booth at Mills, November 21st.

My booth at Mills, November 21st.

I have also begun tabling in order to gather information from the public. My first session at Mills was a great success - my little ballot boxes got filled and I almost ran out of paper thanks to students' enthusiasm. I can now announce some OFFICIAL UPL glyphs. They are almost a sentence: 'the universe takes love', perhaps?







This weekend I will also be arranging to set-up my drawing table in front of the Downtown Berkeley BART Station, at 2160 Shattuck Ave. on Black Friday. And maybe even more places, who knows? Many things are in the works. Come to the Mills Tea Shop steps during lunch this Monday and Tuesday and draw a few words, won't you?

Oh, and my nails are itchy because ink dries the skin around my already severely damaged nails.